Supporting someone you love

Information for Care Partners

If you’re a Care Partner, you play an important role and have become an integral part of your loved one’s healthcare team.

Man and woman walking dog.

Care for Care Partners

Being a Care Partner is an important and meaningful role that can be very rewarding. But it’s important to take care of yourself and your own well-being, too.

Ask for help:

Establishing backup Care Partners can help you find time for yourself.

Maintain healthy habits:

Looking after yourself is critical. Do your best to stay active when you can, eat a balanced diet, and get plenty of sleep.

Manage stress:

Talk to a trusted friend or relative, go for a walk, or meditate. Your mental well-being is just as important as your physical health.

Man and woman walking dog.

Talking with your loved one

Get tips and guidance to make the most of your conversations throughout the treatment journey.

Downloadable resources

Care Partner brochure

Learn how you can support your
loved one during their treatment.

The Care Partner-Patient
discussion guide

Get tips on supporting your loved one
during the treatment process.

What to expect guide

A guide to share with your loved one
as they start treatment with EPKINLY.

Wallet card

You and your loved one should keep
this card in the event a healthcare
provider needs quick access to their
important treatment-related

Recursos en español

Consulte aquí la guía de medicamentos.

Guía sobre qué esperar

Una guía para compartir con su ser querido cuando comienza el tratamiento con EPKINLY.

Tarjeta de bolsillo

Usted y su ser querido deben conservar esta tarjeta para el caso de que un proveedor de atención médica necesite acceso rápido a información importante relacionada con su tratamiento.

Resources and support for you and your loved one

Here are some organizations that can help Patients and Care Partners connect with others, and provide information and resources throughout treatment.

The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.

The largest nonprofit organization dedicated to creating a world without blood cancers. They fund research, provide education and support to patients and their families, and have a grassroots network of more than 50,000 active online volunteers. 

Lymphoma Research Foundation.

They work tirelessly to help patients, survivors, caregivers, and families understand their diagnosis and ensure they have access to the support and resources they need.

American Cancer Society.

American Cancer Society is improving the lives of people with cancer and their families as the only organization combating cancer through advocacy, research, and patient support, to ensure that everyone has an opportunity to prevent, detect, treat, and survive cancer.


Professional oncology social workers provide free emotional and practical support for people with cancer, caregivers, and loved ones.

Family Reach.

A nonprofit organization dedicated to removing the financial barriers between cancer patients and their treatment.

Patient Advocate Foundation.

A nonprofit organization providing direct services such as case management, co-pay relief, financial aid, and scholarship funding to help patients access care and treatment.


There are many available resources that may be helpful to patients, families, and Care Partners dealing with cancer. The above resources are not controlled, owned, or endorsed by Genmab/AbbVie, and Genmab/AbbVie is not responsible for their content.

Man and woman sitting on park bench swing.

EPKINLY may be right for your loved one.